
The Alternative Mobile Services Association is an emerging group of professionals and peers with the shared purpose of researching, assessing, and identifying best practice models of mobile response services that support or are alternatives to traditional 911 emergency response, police services, and unnecessary hospitalization.

The Alternative Mobile Services Association supports street-level alternatives to police.

What are Alternative Mobile Services? 

Mobile services encompass a variety of responses to the immediate needs and crisis situations in the community. Mobile services can include street outreach vans that provide supplies and support to the homeless, mental health agencies that provide in-person mobile response to clients in suicidal crisis (either immediately or within 24 hours), police programs that pair a clinician with a police officer to respond to mental health related calls, and hospital-based outreach programs which provide services in their community. A mobile service is simply any service that works with high-needs populations and meets them where they’re at, in their own space, to get them the help they need in a moment of need or distress.

What’s in the Weekly Newsletter?

Exactly what you need to know to be up-to-date with what’s going on around the country. Important articles, new research, profiles and interviews. Annual subscribers are automatically members of the Alternative Mobile Services Association, and free virtual attendance with continuing education credit at the June 2025 AMSA Convening.

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Subscribe to AMSA Weekly, written for members and partners of the Alternative Mobile Services Association.


Alternative Mobile Services Association